Making the RSO Your Best Friend

The RSO (Range Safety Officer) is the person at the gun range whose responsibility it is to ensure safety on the range. The RSO may not always stand behind each shooter and bark at you if you break any of the rules but generally the RSO is going to call out people who are crossing…

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Speed Shooting Competition With LASR

Laser simulated speed shooting competition between Riley and Jacob. In the video you see the LASR software and we are shooting with SIRTs from NLT. Coupon codes and links are below if interested. Racing drills like this have good and bad aspects. The good is that you act with legitimate adrenaline (if you are a competitive person).…

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Dry Practice: Further Thoughts

In an early article, Dry Practice or Dry Fire was addressed in some detail. In the past few weeks, some more items have come to my attention through reading and watching training programs I’d recorded from my satellite TV service. In the earlier piece it was mentioned you’ll need a safe backstop for your dry practice. In my…

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Mobile App Released for USA Gun Owners

Who would have thought releasing a gun related app for smartphones would be so difficult and expensive? Over a year ago we started developing our mobile app with a few key objectives in mind. We wanted to create a powerful, “one stop” resource for American Gun Owners at no cost and free of advertising. After…

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Who Makes Up Your Survivalist Team?

Prepping or being a survivalist isn’t something you can fully achieve on your own. While you are ultimately responsible for what you do and how prepared you are you still need to approach survival and preparedness as something you do with a team of people that support your efforts forward. Today’s article is meant to…

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Gun Buying Tips for the Forgotten Demographic

I plead guilty. Yes, I have not paid enough attention to a very important group of gun enthusiasts and self defense pistol shooters. In a past article, Where to Begin When Choosing Your Firearm for Concealed Carry, I provided some help to those purchasing a gun for personal defense. I look back and with regret, realize that I…

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