Kentucky Citizens No Longer Required to Get CCW Permit
Effective today, Thursday, June 27, 2019, Kentuckians are no longer required by the state to obtain a concealed carry permit, making it the 16th state in the US to recognize constitutional carry.
In doing so it joins Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming.
On March 11th, 2019, KY Governor Matt Bevin signed Senate Bill 150 into law, which allows Kentucky citizens who are over the age of 21 and legally allowed to do so, carry a firearm concealed without having to first obtain a permit.
The Concealed carry permit process is still available to the public, however, for those Kentuckians who wish to maintain reciprocity with agreeable states.
Click here for the Reciprocity Map to see which states accept the Kentucky CCW permit.
Although news of the law has been widely publicized, Maj. Barry Smith with the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office said he hasn’t seen a decline in the number of people who are applying for CCW permits, and recommends all citizens get training on how to carry concealed safely and effectively.
“Make sure you’re familiar with it (firearm), make sure (you’ve) shot it. Just to start carrying a weapon that you’re not familiar with, or you’re not comfortable with would not be a good thing for anyone,” Maj. Smith told Eyewitness News.
Chris Cox, executive director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), called the law, “… a common sense measure that allows law-abiding citizens to exercise their fundamental right of self-protection in the manner that best suits their needs.”
Opposition to the law says the lack of training, once required by the KY state CCW permit, could pose safety risks for both the public and law enforcement officers.
St. Matthews Police Chief Barry Wilkerson said he felt the law a dangerous one.
“To me, the biggest takeaway is that people that are allowed to carry these guns now, don’t have the proper training or how to interact with police if they are approached — it’s a safety issue for us,” he said after the bill was passed in March of this year.
What do you think? Does this law make Kentuckians more unsafe? Join the discussion below.
I think any law change should lower the age to 18. I was trained at 19 by the U.S. Army, and consider anyone old enough to fight and die for their country, responsible to be trained and carry. I think the permit should still be in effect to ensure a person can safely, and knowledgeably carry a deadly weapon. Also a background check would be ensured.
4 words….SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED…. Ill take my freedom dangerous over my safe tyrrany.
Conceal Carry 101
If anyone has anything to add, feel free. Please don’t change what I wrote.
With trust from the governor comes great responsibility. Don’t mess this up, people.
In changing the law to conceal carry without a permit, all a person needs to keep in mind is that their weapon is not to be used unless it is absolutely needed to prevent a crime. In this instance, it is a crime prevention tool, and that’s all.
It should be on everyone’s wish list that their weapon will never need to be fired. But it is there just in case. Simply showing your weapon without firing it may be all it takes to prevent a crime from happening.
For example, if someone walks into the marketplace somewhere and begins shooting people, that would be a good time to unholster your weapon and give a whistle. You don’t want any collateral damage, such as innocent people. But if the shooter won’t stop, get as close as you can and shoot the SOB. This could happen many minutes before the police could ever get there. The idea is to minimize killings and injuries by the shooter.
Obviously, do not shoot a criminal if they are unarmed. I’m pretty sure that would get you jail time.
In my 50+ years of experience, the police have always treated me well whenever I have interacted with them in six different states, but I’m quiet and I don’t cause trouble, either. I can only say I’m sorry that there are a few abusive officers out there who may or may not deserve what they get.
The great majority of police are good people with families and children. That said, a private citizen’s gun is not to be used as an “equalizer” with the police just because you might get stopped for drunk driving or speeding or whatever. Please cooperate with them and pay your fines. They are just doing their job, as we all do. We are there to support what they do, not hinder it.
You don’t get to shoot cops just because they might be making you angry.
You can shoot criminals with guns who are threatening the public safety, but make a good effort not to let any bullets leave the barrel. Just use your good judgment and common sense. Thanks for listening.
Gary A Fowler
Lakeside Park, KY
Let the Police do their job,they are well trained,and know what measures is needed to stop a shooter.Only react if your life is in danger,and the people close around you.Again let the Police arrive and do their job.My advice to those who carry,take the class with an instructor,and get the training you need, it will help you.
I am a KY CCDW instructor and I support constitutional carry if and only if the individual gets proper instruction prior to the carrying of a concealed firearm, or other deadly weapons as KY does not, for the most part, limit the type of weapon carried.
This instruction, at minimal, should be what is allowed under KY law, there are major limitations on when you can deploy deadly force.
You CANNOT use deadly force unless your life or the life of someone in your immediate proximity is in immediate danger. In many states you can use deadly force if you or someone else is in immediate danger of sustaining grave bodily harm. You cannot use deadly force to stop what may be defined as a “Crime” unless it meets one of the two above examples. And the laws vary by state.
There are also many limitations on where a weapon can be carried.
Anyone who is carrying a weapon, in my opinion, should get continued instruction, whether they obtain a CCDW permit or not, to keep up to date on the various laws and to maintain and enhance their skills just in the rare case they may need to deploy deadly force. Just because a person can buy a gun doesn’t mean they are properly trained in the use of this weapon.
This type of ongoing training should provide scenarios on when and how you can/should/should not deploy your weapon. Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean you should.
And always remember you are responsible for every bullet that leaves the barrel of your gun, no matter your good intentions. Collateral damage is on YOU. You do not have limited immunity as a sworn law enforcement officer has.