Cops Can’t Protect Louisville Citizens at Mall St Matthews
In case you have been hiding under a rock and didn’t hear the story, last weekend several thousand teenagers descended upon Mall St Matthews to cause a public disturbance. Teenagers were reported as breaking things, destroying merchandise, pushing shoppers, robbing patrons and stores, and much more. This riot culminated with the police department dispatching over 50 officers who were both too late and too few. In a press conference held since the incident it has also been reported that this was the largest but not the only incident to have occurred in recent weeks that involved groups of teenagers causing problems; several of which involved firearms.
This incident has led to discussions about the need to better monitor social media, pass laws about requiring adults accompany minors, and other things likely to NOT HELP AT ALL.
The key takeaway is to understand that each of us is ultimately responsible for our own safety. When seconds count the police really are minutes away and your ability to defend yourself is critical. It is time for each of us to take our own personal protection into our own hands.