All Legal Weapons Now Covered With US Law Shield
U.S. Law Shield, the country’s largest firearm legal defense group has announced that moving forward their member legal coverage will extend not just to firearm related incidents but to any weapon related incidents. This greatly increases the value of the membership since we never know what might have to be used in the course of self-defense. The below email sent to members in late October 2015 reads:
Dear Members,
Great, incredible, and spectacular news! You will now be covered for not only the use of a firearm, but for any legal weapon you use in self-defense! We are asked all the time about whether we would consider extending members’ coverage to more than just guns for self-defense. Now, the answer is absolutely YES!
Am I now covered if I use a taser or pepper spray? Yes.
Am I now covered if I defend myself with an edged weapon? Yes.
Am I now covered if I have to defend myself with my hands or body? Yes.Members, today we’re pleased to announce that the best coverage just got better—and at NO COST TO YOU! Watch this video with U.S. Law Shield President Kirk Evans as he explains the new benefits your base coverage includes starting today.
What weapons are covered:
What is “any legal weapon?” Any legal weapon means any weapon that, under your state’s law, is legal to possess in the area where you possess it. In other words, if you’re attacked and you defend yourself with your legally carried firearm, a nearby coffee mug, a folding chair, or even a strong right punch, you are using a legal weapon! Keep in mind that your state’s law may make some weapons legal at home but not in public, or only legal in public in certain circumstances. Make sure you know your state’s laws on your weapons and take advantage of your membership by contacting us and speaking with a program attorney today.
US Law Shield while the largest program in the country if measured by number of members is still only open to residents of Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Those interested in learning more can click here.