The Lies We Tell Ourselves About Guns and Safety
Not to long ago I received the following email from a former student:
Jacob, having only received my permit to carry a few weeks earlier I found myself in a situation that reminded me of your class. I went with some co-workers to a nearby restaurant for happy hour. As soon as I had ordered my drink I remembered that I had my firearm with me. In that moment the excuses came naturally to mind. I told myself it would be embarrassing to call back the waiter and change my order, plus a few drinks don’t really effect me, I can drive after-all… plus my coworkers would know something is up and I would end up having to tell them about my gun which was against safety protocol. That is when I remembered in class that you warned us about self-justification.
Self-Justification is considered by many experts to be among our most natural instincts as humans. It goes hand in hand with complacency and cognitive dissonance as well.
Our minds produce these self-justifying excuses readily and without effort. What requires mental exertion is pushing the excuses aside and reverting back to what we know to be safe and right. Don’t ever let yourself do something that you know is not acceptable but for whatever reason you feel the situation or circumstances allow for it for you.
What are some of the gun safe handling practices that you have observed or found to the most difficult to practice in real life? Please share in the comments below.